EN_Teconnex_Orange Business

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Case study


Teconnex Europe was founded six

years ago and is part of a group

of companies that has factories

in seven countries. In Romania,

the Teconnex Europe factory

produces technical coupling

solutions for the automotive

industry and has over 230

employees, growing from the

initial 40 employees when actual

production began.

To benefit from the efficiency

of digital transformation from

the outset, Teconnex sought a

partner with experience to help

primarily digitize the production

processes in the factory, which

were traditionally carried out.

Teconnex initially chose Orange

Business for the implementation

of infrastructure services -

mobile phone services, fixed

internet, structured cabling.

As development progressed,

Teconnex’s needs grew,






and Orange Business began

delivering other services, such

as managed Wi-Fi services in

the production hall and offices,

as well as presenting solutions

to address real-time production

analysis needs. One of these

solutions, KFactory, was already

„grown“ in the Orange Fab

business incubator and perfectly

suited Teconnex’s needs to

monitor production, to see the

rate of defective products or

those requiring special attention.

Orange Business, together

with the start-up KFactory,

created a long-term digital

transformation plan, as a result

of which Teconnex Europe will

have complete visibility over all

processes on the production line

to intervene immediately in case

of deviations from the production


The solution chosen:

The solution selected was

KFactory, an Industry 4.0 solution

to automate data collection

and analysis from industrial

production equipment. The

KFactory solution is part of the

Orange Fab incubator, managed

by Orange Business. It allows

real-time analysis of data from

industrial processes so managers

can easily identify areas where

intervention is needed for


Features of the chosen

solution, good practices:

The implementation of the

KFactory solution within

Teconnex had several specificities

related to factory operations and

the need to ensure cybersecurity

in the production flow alongside

the digitization process.

Vlad Cazan, Co-founder

of KFactory: „In terms of

specificities, because we are

talking about something different

from other customers, we had

Teconnex Europe, a manufacturer of technical coupling solutions for the

automotive industry, following the completion of a digital transformation project

alongside Orange Business, can analyze real-time information related to the

production flow through a solution delivered by a start-up grown in the Orange

Fab incubator, a solution also used by dozens of other factories.

Business as a technology partner

for implementing infrastructure


With the increase in the number

of employees and the start of

industrial production processes of

technical coupling solutions for the

automotive industry, the need for

data collection and analysis from

industrial equipment has arisen.

Orange Business proposed the

implementation of the KFactor

solution, an Industry 4.0 solution

for automating data collection and

analysis from industrial production

equipment, part of the Orange Fab

incubator, managed by Orange



Access to real-time data.

Rapid adoption of the system.

High level of user satisfaction.

the opportunity to implement

the solution in a spot-welding

production flow, which we had

never done before. A large part

of Teconnex’s production flow

consists of spot welding. This

was a challenge for us – to come

up with a different approach

and ensure that our platform

can be implemented on any type

of equipment, on any type of

production flow.“

Ciprian Foghis, ICT Business

Development Manager at Orange

Business: „A very important

aspect in implementation was

cyber security. We took this

global threat very seriously,

which is why the solution

implementation was done

in parallel with securing all

components by those involved

in the project and with user

training to reduce the risks of



40% of employees, out of a

total of 230, use the KFactory

app as part of the production

process. This process generates

a monthly production of 280,000

units, an increase of 12%

compared to 2022.

4% increase in production

efficiency as a result of using

the KFactory system.

Ovidiu Gavriş, General Manager,

Teconnex Europe: „In addition to

the results we see and feel, we

also have positive feedback from

employees who interact daily

with this system.“

The implementation of the

industrial process data analysis

system will allow Teconnex to

use artificial intelligence and

machine learning algorithms

to start making predictions—

predictive maintenance, risk

pattern recognition, and

predictions to managers to help

them foresee certain situations.


Teconnex Europe was founded

in 2018 with 40 employees. To

be efficient from the beginning,

the company chose Orange

KFactory® I 3

2 I KFactory®


Innovation Centre Gallows Hill

Warwick, CV34 6UW,

United Kingdom


391 Vacaresti Street,

3rd floor, Bucharest,

Romania 040055

T. +40 374 460 028

E. office@kfactory.eu


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