the ability to adapt quickly to
changes in the market, reduc-
ing reaction times and custom-
izing production according to
customer requirements.
KFactory® I 3
“Working with the KFactory® team
has been exemplary, from the
speed of project implementation
to the ongoing technical support
we have received. The system was
easily adopted by the operators
due to its simplicity in use and the
minimal interaction required, on
average, a maximum of 2-3 minutes
per shift. The accuracy of the data
and the clear way in which the in-
formation is displayed helped us to
make quick and informed decisions,
always having the Pareto analysis
at hand to prioritize actions. At the
same time, we were able to gain a
better understanding of the busi-
ness, maintaining a continuous fo-
cus on process improvement and
cost efficiencies. We are expecting
a 100% ROI in the first two years
due to cost savings and increased
efficiency”, Sorin Poteraș, General
Next steps
For the future, Bauer Kompressoren
plans to expand the monitoring and
digitization of the process on a new
production line, starting in January
2025. This step will allow the com-
pany to further optimize perfor-
mance and maintain a competitive
advantage in the market.
Another objective would be to op-
timize production process by de-
ploying KFactory® solutions based
on artificial intelligence to analyze
production trends and patterns,
which will enable new opportunities
to optimize resources and work-
flows, with the aim of increasing
overall performance and reducing
operational costs on the long term.
+ 40
+ 100%
ROI in first
24 months
Results in numbers: